Blast from the past… 3

The Holy Spirit spoke to us about walls being broken down

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What was happening on the blog in past Februaries?

Five years ago

I didn’t write any blog posts in February 2018, so here’s a photo instead. Donna’s father, Tony, was 80 on 1st of the month; we drove down to Broadstone near the south coast of Dorset to meet the rest of the family. He was very pleased with his cake, though there were only eight candles on it. Eighty would have needed ten times the effort to blow out!

Tony’s 80th birthday
Ten years ago

On 17th February 2013 I wrote about ‘Leadership and the New Testament‘. Here’s the first paragraph:

How should we manage and govern our meetings? How is church to be led? Everything changed in the 1960s and 70s as the Holy Spirit swept into the denominational church. Existing churches were impacted, the house church movement began, and new streams of church sprang up.

Dancers, by Renoir – From Wikimedia

Read it if you’d like to, but also read the comments where some very good points are made.

Twenty years ago

On the 18th February 2003, I met at home with friends and the Holy Spirit spoke to us about walls being broken down. We heard about other related things too. The notes from the meeting outline what happened.

Remnants of walls – From Wikimedia

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