
View my gallery of all-time favourites (opens in a new browser tab, close the tab when you finish).

Sunlight through leaves

I love sunlight filtered through leaves or sparkling on water, frost on berries and twigs, happy people, old stonework or timber, impressive clouds, landscapes and coastal scenes. My subjects are eclectic – but take a look and see what you think.

Since I was a nine-year-old I’ve owned and used a camera. I began with a simple Kodak Brownie taking 127 roll film and graduated via a Starmite to a basic 35 mm Retinette. Then I bought a 35 mm single-lens reflex and finally moved to a series of compact digital cameras, mostly from Canon’s G series.

You can buy prints from the gallery, or you can download the images and print them yourself. But please remember the simple copyright conditions.

Other places to find images to freely re-use

Note that the sources below come with various requirements. All can be downloaded and used free of charge, but there may be restrictions and requirements that you should comply with.