
BlogImage100x100The blog – You’ll find my blog here, as well as some other pages (check the menu, top-right). There are articles covering most of my interests; sometimes they are planned and researched, sometimes they’re off the cuff. But you can also restrict the blog view to particular topics of interest by choosing ‘Topics’ from the menu, or ‘Categories’ in the side bar for more choices.

IchthusIcon100The logo – The logo used on all my websites (See  a list) is an ancient emblem used by followers of Jesus in the dangerous early days under Roman rule. It’s based on the Greek word for ‘fish’, which transliterates as ‘Ichthus’ (the fish was itself an early Christian symbol). Take the Greek word in mixed case, ΙχθΥΣ, and write the letters on top of one another to give this emblem. They are the initial letters of the Greek words that translate as ‘Jesus Messiah, God’s Son, Saviour’. (more…)

The author – I’m Chris Jefferies, a retired research biologist and web developer, married with two daughters. My interests are wide-ranging across photography, history, travel, naturism, science, technology, family, faith and more. My home town is Cirencester in the UK, a splendid English market town with 19 000 inhabitants. (more…)